Modify Maintenance Status Policy (PUT)

Allows modification of a maintenance status policy.

Request Data

"maintStatPolicyID": "54fd52c83c108153ecafd582",
"name": "sm policy1",
"minMileage" : "5000",
"maxMileage" : "20000"
Field Type Notes
maintStatPolicyID string Required. The ID of this policy.
name string Optional. The name of this policy.
minMileage integer Optional. The minimum mileage range for this status.
maxMileage integer Optional. The maximum mileage range for this status.
active bool Optional. To activate or deactivate this policy. Deactivated policies remain on their assigned organizations/fleets/vehicles but no longer function as status.


"message": {
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"credentials": "Valid",
"version": "v2.0.0",
"account": "Free",
"method": "Modify Maintenance Status Policy",
"action": "PUT",
"counter": 222
"data": {
"maintStatPolicyID": "54fd52c83c108153ecafd582",
"name": "sm policy1",
"minMileage": 5000,
"maxMileage": 20000,
"dateCreated": "2015-03-09T07:59:04.771Z",
"updateDate": "2015-03-09T08:00:38.068Z"
Field Type Notes
message Message
data MaintStatusPolicy Object has been modified.

Message object

Field Type Notes
code string Message code.
message string Ok or Failed.
credentials string Valid or Invalid.
version string v2.0.0
account string Free or Premium
method string Name of the API called
action string returns a GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
counter integer Counter for this request. Increments by one for every request made. This is only important for free users who have a limited number of API requests.

MaintStatusPolicy object

Field Type Notes
maintStatPolicyID string The ID of this policy.
name string The name of this policy.
minMileage integer The minimum mileage range for this status.
maxMileage integer The maximum mileage range for this status.
dateCreated string Date this policy was created.
updatedDate string Date this policy was last updated.

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vinhnModify Maintenance Status Policy