Get Organization (GET)

Retrieve a list of organizations based on filter criteria or look up a single org.,orgID2,orgParentID2,name2,orgCustomID2


URL Parameters

Get by organization ID

Field Type Notes
orgID string Required. Separate by commas. ID of organization to view. Including several IDs includes all organizations in the response.

Get by parent organization ID

Field Type Notes
orgParentID string Required. Separate by commas. ID of parent organization. May return multiple organizations. Including several IDs includes all organizations in the response.

Get by path

Field Type Notes
path string Required. Org path. May return multiple organizations.

Get by user friendly name

Field Type Notes
name string Required. Separate by commas. Retrieve org by user friendly name of your choice. May return multiple organizations. Including several IDs includes all organizations in the response.

Get by customID

Field Type Notes
customID string Required. Separate by commas. Retrieve org by customID of your choice. Including several IDs includes all organizations in the response.


"message": {
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"credentials": "Valid",
"version": "v2.0.0",
"account": "Free",
"method": "Get Organization List",
"action": "GET",
"counter": 191
"data": [
"orgID": "54dc1d213c108148a02908bb",
"customID": "org-01/001",
"orgName": "Makerting_001",
"path": ",Makerting,Makerting_001,",
"orgParentID": "54dc1c6c3c10815100f42385"
"orgID": "54dc587b3c108151309a0e96",
"customID": "org-003",
"orgName": "my org 002",
"path": ",my org 002,",
"orgParentID": null
"pagination": {
"pageSize": 2147483647,
"currentPage": 1,
"itemCount": 9,
"totalPage": 1
Field Type Notes
message Message
data list<Organization>

Message object

Field Type Notes
code string Message code.
message string Ok or Failed.
credentials string Valid or Invalid.
version string v2.0.0
account string Free or Premium
method string Name of the API called
action string returns a GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
counter integer Counter for this request. Increments by one for every request made. This is only important for free users who have a limited number of API requests.

Organization object

Field Type Notes
orgName string Null or returns the user friendly name of this org.
path string Organization path to this org.
orgID string CarMD’s generated ID for this organization. This ID will always be unique to this organization.
orgParentID string CarMD’s org ID for the parent of this org. If null, then this org is topmost org.
customID string Null or returns the customID of this org.

vinhnAPI Organization get